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Sandy Munro Puts Battery Day Doubters In Their Place On E For Electric

E for Electric Battery Day Doubters

Sandy Munro Puts Battery Day Doubters In Their Place On E For Electric

Sandy once again appears on E for Electric to put the Tesla Battery Day doubters and naysayers in their place by going into depth about why the changes proposed by Tesla are groundbreaking and ultimately industry-changing.

Sandy starts off talking about the mega-casting and its importance to the Model Y and next-generation vehicles from Tesla as well as making the battery system an asset to the structural integrity of the cars going forward.

Then we get into the battery itself:  From diameter to chemistry and configuration to going tabless, this battery is going to kick some serious butt!  How is the market going to respond?  How will rival battery manufacturers compete?

To find out what Sandy has to say, watch the episode by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxTH6XRRoFI&ab_channel=EforElectric



Al Steier and Munro mechanics standing around looking at the underbelly of the Tesla Model S Plaid
Under the hood of the Tesla Model S Plaid

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