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2021 Volkswagen ID.4: E5 – Ride & Drive – Whoa!

Volkswagen ID4 Ep5 Ride and Drive Sandy Munro

2021 Volkswagen ID.4: E5 – Ride & Drive

In this video, Sandy talks about the ride and drive experience in the Volkswagen ID.4 and whoa does it get a little crazy.

Sandy starts off backing the car out of the loading bay at Munro and he is pleased with the performance of the rear camera assistance.  However, from there, Sandy tries to set the navigation to see how the autonomous driving performs in the ID.4 with the goal of trying to get to a charging station.  This winds up not going well.

It should be noted that Sandy was also in a rush to complete this trek and then get back to another meeting, but the hilarity that ensues during his travails with the UI/UX of the Navigation system is priceless.

But we will let you decide what you think.  Watch here:


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